That's right compadres, we are rolling out of Dallas shortly. Dripping Springs, TX is our destination for a 4-day weekend. We have rented a small ranch in the heart of Texas hill country for our Thanksgiving celebration. At present, it looks like it is going to be mom, dad, sister, Genevieve, Chris, Celia and myself. Moseley the wonder dog is going to stay behind and guard the house.. we have someone who is going to stop in and feed/check on him. I am excited as it has been awhile since i have had a few days off.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. My mom is one of the world's finest cooks so there will be eating and napping. Plus the property that we have leased is heavily wooded with rivers and creeks running throughout. I will make sure and take lots of pics.
Is pretty sweet. When I say sweet, I don't mean she's sweet like caramel, I mean she is sweet like she will dominate you in the conference room, on the wakeboard, and in pretty much every other aspect of your life. Like when you are talking about a Bugatti Veyron and you say, man that is sweet, that means you are kind of afraid of it. - Great wakeboarder - SMU MBA grad - Division I college rower - US National Rowing Championship Silver Medalist - Managing Director at a Mergers and Acquisition firm - decent cook - Ok driver (She killed Spud McKenzie with her Infiniti G35 Coupe) - Good boat driver (for those of you who ride a wakeboard, you know how important this is)
So you're probably asking yourself, what she is doing with me... I can't figure it out either! I'm just gonna ride it til it throws me.
Thank you to David Elmore for changing the battery in my truck today. You are a gentleman and a scholar. I hope lunch at Zense suffices. Btw, Ferrari I got you some Pad Ke Mow and tom Yum soup. Be happy! I will drop it off tonight. Tomorrow we leave for the Texas Hill Country to celebrate Thanksgiving. Right now it looks like it will be my family + Celia, Chris and Genevieve. I will update before I take off.
(Scroll down to the bottom of this entry and play the Matt Wertz song as you read. That makes it nice)
Yep, I just dropped Celia off at DFW so she can fly to Chicago. Jim is getting married and Celia and her sisters are throwing a shower. Good times all around.
So what do I do this weekend? Well, I have wood to chop and maybe I will change the battery in my truck. Mine is getting low and I should do it before it is too late. Ferrari has to get back surgery again on monday... bummer. Maybe I will grab Diablo and Lolo and head over to his house tonight and have a few beers with him. We got to get him better so he can do this again next spring.
It is cold and rainy here today. I want to take the boat out for a drive this weekend since we haven't run it in a few weeks. Soon it will be time to winterize and put it away to sleep the winter away. Have a good weekend, I will be with the boys since the girl is out of town. Holler if you want to play.
Ok so maybe this won't make too many top rivalry lists but it is close to my heart has I experienced this one personally. These 2 schools are so close in location and culture, it is difficult to tell them apart. The trophy is the "Iron Skillet" and its origins are unknown although lore dictates the following: "No one knows the original names to the story of the Iron Skillet, but it has been rumored that TCU and SMU fans originated this tradition back in the 1950s. During a pre game festivity a SMU fan was frying up some frog legs as a joke before the game. A TCU fan, seeing this desecration of the "frog", went over and told him that eating the frog legs was going well beyond the rivalry and that they should let the game decide who would get the skillet and the frog legs. TCU ended up winning the game and the skillet and the frog legs went to TCU. The tradition eventually spilled over into the actual game and the Iron Skillet is now passed to the winner between TCU and SMU." - Wikipedia
TCU currently leads the all-time series, 41-39-7... grrrr.
9. MacGyver/Murdoc
Sure laugh if you want but if you didn't like Macgyver when you were a kid, then you are probably communist. These two masterminds battled it out week in and week out. It was great that it wasn't just a physical battle, they day had to be won by the mind. And with Penny Parker (Teri Hatcher) on the line, battle they did! Many a modern day nerd owes his confidence to this brillian rivalry.
8. Liono/Mum-Ra
If you have no idea who these two characters are, then I am not going to explain it to you. Needless to say, you are missing out on the greatest cartoon in the world.
Awesome. Not only did we win, so many great machines and movies were made without a single shot fired. One word... WOLVERINES!!!!
6. Robin Hood /Prince John
I am talking about the Disney cartoon made in the 70's. ONe of my tob 5 favorite movies of all time. I can hear it in my head now, "Robin Hood and Little John go walking through the forest..."
5. Maverick /Iceman
Forget the 5"2 Maverick and the bird-chested Iceman squaring off in the locker room in towels.. and forget the fact that a young, hot fighter pilot is chasing a quasi-cougar that is twice his age and looks it... no really, forget it. The magic was in the skies over southern California where they were taught, and I quote: "ACM, air combat maneuvering" (Thanks Jester). Just remember, the trophy for 2nd place is in the ladies room.
4. Barry Sanders / The Lions' offensive line
My favorite player of all time spent as much time dodging his supposed blockers as he did defenders. If only he had played for another team, he would hold every record in the book.
3. Me / The screaming lady from "So You Think You Can Dance"
She doesn't know it yet, but I am her biggest rival. She literally causes me to make faces like I am in pain when she screams,,, it's involuntary I swear! I would like to put her on a hot tamale train into the side of a building. And yes I do watch that show,,, shut up.
2. Swiss Family Robinson / The Pirates
Oh Pirates why are you so stupid, everyone knows you don't attack up a steep hill. Especially when there are Swiss folks up there. Switzerland is practically Germany and you know how clever they are. Oh and while I am giving war advice, you should never go in against a Sicilian, WHEN DEATH IS ON THE LINE! HAHAHAHAHA!! (which leads me to #1)
1. Inigo Montoya / Count Rugen
Here's the deal Count, his name is Inigo Montoya, you killed his father, prepare to die. really a short lived rivalry for the Count as he didn't really know that Montoya was looking for him until the last 20 minutes of his life. But those were the most rivalrous 20 minutes of all times.
Runner up:
Oklahoma State / Texas A&M
Both Aggie schools, both in the Big XXII both second best football teams in their states,, always. So there is some disdain, a healthy amount anyway. But that disdain took a small break this weekend when 2 people put their school pride aside and decided to get married. Congrats Julie and Kyle. All the best.
The annual Halloween party at the Hughes/Byrd compound was fantastic as usual. The weather was cool but we got to try out the outdoor firepit that we got back in March. It was awesome. Chris did a great job of getting the fire going and maintaining it until we finally called it a night around 5 am. We have some Ferrari video but I don't think I can put it on here.
All was well as the Bacchanalia came to a close and everyone made it home safely/stayed at our house. Ferrari did not even fight too hard this time when we loaded him up into the car so Sarah could drive them home. Sarah, you are a keeper.. p.s. If you have never eaten cheese sticks from Sam's Club at 3 am, you haven't lived!!!
Happy Thursday everyone. This is going to be brief as I am busy but I wanted to throw these 2 videos at you. Bothy dorky and funny. Chris sent me the first one.
I don't know where I got this one, I am sure someone sent it to me.
Tomorrow I will have halloween pics. See you then.