I had an interesting memory yesterday. Growing up on Orchard street, I had a friend that lived a couple of streets over on 5th. Her name was Leah Wilsey and she was awesome. We used to hang out alot because we lived so close together and because we got on quite well. Although she was a year younger than me, we were very tight til I graduated and left. Actually, the summer after my freshman year in college, she was up at KU moving in for her freshman year and I went and spent the day with her. That was the last time I saw her as I moved down to Dallas a few weeks later. I believe she is living in Kansas City now, I'm sure she is doing great. Ok, that's enough background.
So I must have been in 8th or 9th.. maybe 10th or 11th grade, I cant remember. It was over the Christmas holiday break because I remember that all the college kids were gone and the town was empty the way that it gets. you get used to that growing up in a small town that is home to a large university... during the summer and christmas breaks, you can drive half way across town without seeing another vehicle. Anyway, it was a normal day, nothing special except that it had been snowing for a couple of days straight so the town was under a bunch of snow. It was piled up everywhere. I had been hanging out at Leah's... she had a great house, both of her parents were doctors. I don't remember what we were doing, probably just talking. Anyway, it was probably around 10-11 at night and I was walking back to my house through our neighborhood. Our neightborhood had been there for 70-100 years so the houses were old but n

Yeah so, SMU Mustangs... puttin' the hurt on Nevada and dominating the Hawaii Bowl. Well done gentlemen. And for all the Mustang faithful out there, it's been 25 years... cheers.