The first question you will most likely have is, “Hughes, why are you showing us where you work?” Well, really there a few answers for that. Firstly, it is where I spend the majority of my time. I don’t think I was made to spend my time indoors, it doesn’t feel right. But I have been doing it for 6-7 years now so suck it mother nature.

Another reason is that my building is sort of an anomaly. Literally, it is a giant office building in the middle of a field. It is the oddest thing, I look out my window and I can see downtown Dallas in the distance, I-635 is a little closer, and then… a field full of round haybails. There are tractors out there constantly, and here we are in an office full of computers, digital phones, faxes, etc. Weird.

Lastly, I had to tell you the story of how these pictures happened. I came up here last weekend to shoot some pics that I might be able to use on my other
blog. I never figured that they would end up on this one, but my foolishness provided the ammo to accomplish that unlikely goal. So I come up here and am taking pictures out of my window of the field outside, Downtown, blah blah. I was not happy with them as you may know that the quality of a picture is not very good if you are taking it through a tinted office window.

Out to the balcony I walk. It is a lovely sunny day so I snap away. Satisfied that I achieved what I wished, I turned to go back into the building only to discover locked balcony doors. That quick shot of panic/adrenaline surged through me,,, you know, the one you feel when you discover your keys are locked in the ignition of your truck in the middle of nowhere because you pulled over to pee on the side of the road? (don’t ask). Yeah that one. So I set the camera down, rattle the doors violently and sit back to accept my situation. What to do? I have my cell phone so I could call Richard and have him drive across the city to come let me in, but that would allow him to tell the story to everyone and when you do something stupid it is always better for you to tell the story than someone else. That way people feel sorry for you instead of violently insult you. Atleast that’s what it says in my brain. So anyway, back to the balcony of an empty office building around 3pm on a Saturday. I decide that I should probably just wait it out til Monday morning that way when someone comes out to have a smoke, I can act like I was out there getting some air or something and casually stroll back in like everything is great. But the fact that I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt/smell like I haven’t showered in 2 days might give me away; back to the drawing board.
I painfully concede and pull my phone out of my pocket to dial Ferrari (Richard) when I notice a small lever hidden underneath the handle of the most evil door in the world. As I turn it and the door opens, I realize 2 things:
1. I will never get those 20 minutes back.
2. I have to share this story with you because it is pretty funny.

And because I made that decision you are required to feel sorry for me, and not make fun…. Atleast that is what my brain says…