Well actually we think if the Killer Bee as a boy; but staying the course (pun intended) of nautical tradition, in this blog entry the Bee is a hot chick. In human form, something like this:Because otherwise, if its a dude bee, you end up with the following:
Ok, enough of the nonsense. Days are getting shorter and for the Bee, that means time to get cleaned up and winterized for the coming cold. So Ferrari and I brought the boat to my house to clean it up and ready for storage. We have never done it before; usually we pay to have it done but this year we decided to take a crack at it. 5 hours and lots of cleaning supplies later the bee was the finest vessel in North Texas once again. We also tested everything to make sure it made it through the summer ok. We blasted the stereo which I am sure the neighbors loved... $5k can get you one hell of a stereo in a boat. We even polished the speakers hanging from the tower. Shiny. Next was the lights. The series of 6 directional lights on top of the tower don't look very bright in the sunlight.. but at night on the water, it is like the second sun. Good for wakeboarding at night... WHICH WE NEVER DO BECAUSE THAT IS ILLEGAL! (for any legal inquiries into our wakebarding practices, please direct all questions to Tailim Song Esq.)As evening fell, we covered her up for transport and a long winters nap. It was tough.. I mean it is the equivalent of taking a hot chick in a bikini and wrapping her in a snuggie. But there is nothing like unwrapping a beautiful boat in the spring and rocketing across a glassy lake for the first time of the season. Sleep well little brother.