She likes German cars and purebred dogs; some people just see that side of her. But those that do miss the heroic person that she is. I think that is the marrow, the greatness.

I take my family for granted. I always have. Those of us who grew up with surrounded by amazing families don’t realize what they have usually until it is too late. Wreckless, tragic. I have never met anyone, except maybe my mom that takes such great care in taking great care of those around them. It’s uncanny. No matter where I have wandered in this world , she has always led the cheering section for me. It’s easy to get used to those that give more than you do and to just expect that it will always be there. Luckily for me, it always will be. But it must be recognized and appreciated.
I remember once in 7th grade I was dating, for a short time, a girl named Jami. I was meeting her at the county fair for a date.

Well she dumped me that night for a guy named Justin; who could blame her. He was a year older than me and at the time, the starting runningback for his football team. Jami, Justin and all of their friends were standing around snickering at me saying that Justin would kick my butt if I had a problem with it. I felt about as small as a kid could. My sister grabbed me by the hand as we were leaving and walked me straight through the taunting teends and told justin to shut up. I think he was more afraid of her than I was of him. Even when I was in high school and she was in college, she would drive home on the weekends to see me play ball, foregoing her college weekends.
It’s always been that way; her worrying about me and me worrying about myself.
She is funny, beautiful, smart and has always been there for me. And these days I find myself worrying about her and looking forward to going antiquing and eating at French restaurants so we can spend time doing what she likes. Honestly, I don’t care what we do as long as we can hang. These days we’re great friends; I guess I am finally becoming as cool as she has been for years.
If this blog entry is too sentimental for you, shoot me an email. We can meet up and I will return the favor she did me when I was in 7th grade…
