Can you even believe it? My favorite little girl in the world is not so little anymore. My good friend Analisa turned 8 this past weekend. Celia and I shot down to Mansfield for the celebration at the Gonzalez house where there were good friends, good family and and great times. (There is a belief that the Gonzalez' and Hughes' are related somehow..." I grabbed a couple of party pics and one really poorly shot video of Analisa blowing out the candles. All in all it was fantastic.
Andre enjoying life:

Here is Andre preparing to take yet another pic that he can use later on for one of his 90-minute videos.

Me and my favorite little girl.

Here is an Iphone video of Analisa blowing out her candles:
Happy birthday!
Wow!!! 8 years old?!?!? Kind of makes you feel like you are getting old huh?