Ahh yes, the feeling of waking up on a travel day. Even if you have to go to work first, it just feels different. You know that the next time you go to bed, it will be in a different
place. I love it. Even though we are going to Stillwater, OK for my buddy Earl's wedding and not the other side of the planet, it just feels nice. Plus it is giong to be great to see Earl and Katrina. Plus Tyler and Rob are coming in from NYC and my parents from Houston. Today's soundtrack? I'm listening to Emerson Hart- "Green Hills Race for California", great song.

"Oh my dear, what a race that we have run
Oh my sweet, what a face we've become
How do I go back to California
How do I leave the green fields here
Warm nights and your sweet magnolia
How do I leave the green fields here
Oh my friends, what a long trip it's been
Many nights, and the friends that we have made..."
Anyway, we have been many places so far this year, Mexico, Costa Rica, Tulsa
Oklahoma. How do you leave out the great town of Tulsa? That's God's country brother. I got some sweet pics too... The collection is growing. I think we have it backwards in the US though; it has been said that in the US, people go on vacation so they can work and in the rest of the world people work so they can go on vacation... or something like that. All I can say is that at 4 pm today, we hit I-35 and head North for 4 hours.

I miss that place and that time. It was fantastic growing up there, it seemed much safer than the world does now. I think every generation says that though.
I wonder sometimes how I got here and the winding road I took to reach this point. It has involved many cities and states and lots of folks that I knew for a short while. Even though Dallas is 250 miles south of Stillwater, my road here feels like a million miles long. The funny thing is, when I left Stillwater, I left alone and now I return with an army of family and friends. There are worse things.

Either way, that means no lake this weekend. Richard, Sarah, Celia, Genevieve and me are in OK, Tom is in Chicago. I dont remember if Wendy was going with him. So travel well this weekend friends, may fair winds and following seas bring you back safely... SO YOU CAN READ MY BLOG NEXT WEEK!!!