I will start this blog with a pretty picture. I was talking the other day about my dad's motorcycle. Well he sent me a picture that he took last december of his BMW R1200GS near Sanderson, TX on his way to Big Bend
Now into the ugliness we go. Yesterday was a great day to be on the lake. Without question, the sweet combination of cloudless sky, high 90's temp, no wind and few boats on the lake is hard to beat. So how stoked were we as Celia, Ferrari and I headed out toward the lake to meet up with Dr. Sweet Air and the Killer Bee. As we drove we had good conversation about wakeboarding, going back to Costa Rica in November, and the political situation of Iran. Needless to say, spirits were high. We are almost to the lake when we realize that we forgot the boat keys. Richard and I argued about where they were but since Genevieve was at our house working out (taking a nap) we had her look around and she found nothing. So we proceeded to Richards to look in his truck where they were sitting in the glove box. He was so annoyed that he refused to go back to the lake. So Celia and I headed back out.
Fast forward 45 minutes of traffic, we arrive at the lake and find Tom (DSA) reading a book about radiation chemistry or something like that so he can become a great Radiation Oncologist and never have to work as a locums doc. Celia and I felt bad but he took the waiting well. We loaded the boat, dropped it in the water, and then I truned the key. Nothing. I guess we left the stereo on when we left saturday and both batteries were drained. The fates were surely frowning upon me. Fast forward another hour and we found someone to give us a jump and we were motoring out onto the glassy lake.

Lessons were learned, the hard way but I think the 3 of us would agree that just being out to see the sunset was worth the drama. Not that I want to go through that regularly, but it turned out ok in the end.