The weekend is over... that's no good. What happened? well several things. Lets' start with my board. Dr. Tom gave me some hot pink Ronix stickers to put on my board... because it's funny. And since my bindings look like they were designed by Ronald McDonald, it is just sort of the natural progression to make the board look ridiculous as well.
I thought I would go crazy and put them all over, but after look at them, I decided to go with 2 stickers,,, one big at the bottom of the board, and then the number 1 under the number 1 that was already on the board. You can see the difference. I am definitley not finished though... I need some different stickers. Oh yeah, Celia and I went wakebording on saturday afternoon. Wetsuits were donned as the water temp is getting down in the 60's. It was fun but muscles tighten up very quickly in water that cold.
Sunday I made chili and we watched the Dallas Cowboys dominate on the gridiron. Everyone was pumped except for Moseley. He slept on the couch completely uninterested in the game. He kind of reminded me of someone else who is prone to end up on the couch...
I stepped outside this morning... BRRRR! 47 degrees is way to cold. Ok, I'm ready for summer again. :) It is friday and I don't really have anything to talk about, so I will just leave a couple of videos on here; one funny, one a good song. I will have some pics on here this weekend of the transformation of "Fruitloops" the great white Ronix One wakeboard. I am going to tatt it up(put stickers on it.)
That's right folks, the temperature has been coming down these last few weeks and it has finally hit the point where I make the first fire of the season. Is it little premature? Sure. I have a mild pyro streak in me.. I think we all do. Anyway I grabbed some nice pinon pine logs on the way home the other day and got it going. Man that wood smells great when it burns. Anyway, the room heated up nicely.. actually a little too nicely, we might have had to open the doors. Either way, it was fun.
So babies, yep it seems that our house is like The Loon (read the reviews) for children under the age of 2. They hang out at our place. Or maybe we just have a bunch of friends with kids,,, either way. There is Andre and Anna newest edition (strongest baby in the world). You remember the scene in Superman when the baby llifts up the truck? Yep he's that strong. Then there is the Berv's kid... we'll call him musical Max as he likes to play the drums. Either way, both good guys.
Oh yeah, Dibello came by a few times.
I can see by my Sitemeter that there are people all over the world reading the blog now. How cool is that. I guess there is boredom everywhere. I am hoping to have some pics from Richard's housewarming party this past saturday to put on here in the next few days so be excited. I found this video of my sister's graduation from the Freeman School of Business at Tulane University this past spring. It was pretty awesome when a New Orleans style band led the graduates out the door.
And on that note, I'll let Kevin Rudolph lead us out of this blog for the day.
So I am taking part in the world wide Blog Action Day. It is basically a way for bloggers around the globe to all talk about this year's topic which is climate change on the same day. It is a good thing and I am glad to add their link to my blog, every little bit of traffic they can generate will help.
Of course the type of climate change I am going to talk about is a little more personal and less reaching. I have spent the last 5 days in Denver at the 2009 MGMA Conference. It was a typical conference I suppose, lots of talking to people, answering questions, dinners and such. Of course when I landed there on saturday it was snowing. brrrrrr! I am not ready for that kind of weather. I spent alot of time walking downtown as my hotel was 4 blocks from the convention center. I like Denver... I could live there I think. The winters would be rough but I think that would be somewhat counterbalanced by the abilityto ski on the weekends.
One evening I was able to go up into the mountains to Idaho Springs and the famous BeauJo's Pizza. The sunset mountain views were fantastic and one of my companions took a few pics. I forgot how clear the night sky is in the mountains.
So I woke up wednesday morning in the cold of Colorado, and by evening I was wakeboarding in the warmth of Texas. Talk about climate change...
Celia picked me up from the airport and we shot out to meet up with the Killer Bee. The water was fantastic... like glass only smoother. Plus there wasn't another wakeboard boat in sight,, just a few anglers. I took a short video of the area where we were riding. We landed a few tricks and headed to the house. It was good to see Celia and go wakeboarding at the same time... it was like Christmas. Either way, I am just glad to be home.
Don't forget, if you want to see the video you actually have to come to the blog site.
It's true. I totally had a dream about Tara Lizak(Nixon) last night. Don't worry, it was totally PG. She was taking me skydiving and my parachute came off. I yelled at her as I was falling and she caught it and flew over and put it on me... backwards. But it still worked and I was saved. We then went skidiving 5 more times and had a blast. After that was all over, we went back to hang out with our friends and we told them the story and they were all like, "Ah man, that was close, you almost died Hughes!" And I was like, "dude, i totally know!" That was the end of the dream. Either way, thanks for bailing me out Arat. (if you don't know what that line is about, then I am not going to explain it to you.
I also dream of Santorini. But I do most of that dreaming while I am awake. There are 2 webcams that I check out every morning while I am at work. I literally pull them up so I can see them while I work. Since we are 8 hours behind Greece here in Texas, I get to watch the sun set over the island every day. It makes me want to be there. Just follow the links and enjoy. If you find that you cant see anything on the screens, that means it is night. The best viewing time is in between 9am-11am CST. View of the Caldera. View of the Volcano.
Also, you can check out Earl's dog, Diesel not doing a very good job of catching a fly. Live and let live, I guess that is Diesel's philosophy.
I was thinking this morning of wakeboarding. It has been almost 2 weeks because it has been raining non-stop. I am hoping to go either tomorrow or friday before I leave for Denver. Anyway, I was looking for some inspiration and I thought of the movie August Rush. I really like it and the music is fantastic. If you have speakers on your computer, turn them up and play the video below.
Also, Jana posted a new blog and her pics are amazing. Click here.
One more thing, for those of you that receive this as an email, make sure and come to the actual blog website. Celia told me that the videos don't get sent in the emails. If you have missed them all, there are some funny ones so get your hind parts to Wanderings !!
Hang on baby, hang on. So the water is cooling off,,, noticeably. And we experienced this, on saturday while we were out riding. "Wave Walker Wendy, Texas Teacher", Dr. Sweet Air, Justin and Sarah. The air was warm, low 90's as we spent the afternoon riding and trying to do backflips off the wakeskate. Tom got it on video and he is going to send it to me in a day or so; i will post it quickly after that. Also, Nixon and Tara (Tara's the one in the air) were in town for a couple of days, taking a break from lawyering and dancing. Nixon did Hyperlite work and now plans to take up wakeboarding as time permits. Well sir, you will have stop working for Gibson Dunn first. We also took pics and video of that day but I need to get it from Andreus "Topo Chico". The Owens' met the Nixon/Hughes coalition for a fantastic dinner at Soho, great time. We missed the Houghtons but 3/4 aint bad.
I should have all the videos and pics from the past 2 weeks soon. I just need to collect them so be excited. Also, there is the story of the IPhone, but not today little children, we'll save that one for another time. Guten Nacht - jth