Come follow myself and my comrades through daily life in Texas; where the sunsets are grand, the wakes are big, and the shenanigans are plentiful.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I Dream of Tara and Santorini
It's true. I totally had a dream about Tara Lizak(Nixon) last night. Don't worry, it was totally PG. She was taking me skydiving and my parachute came off. I yelled at her as I was falling and she caught it and flew over and put it on me... backwards. But it still worked and I was saved. We then went skidiving 5 more times and had a blast. After that was all over, we went back to hang out with our friends and we told them the story and they were all like, "Ah man, that was close, you almost died Hughes!" And I was like, "dude, i totally know!" That was the end of the dream. Either way, thanks for bailing me out Arat. (if you don't know what that line is about, then I am not going to explain it to you.
I also dream of Santorini. But I do most of that dreaming while I am awake. There are 2 webcams that I check out every morning while I am at work. I literally pull them up so I can see them while I work. Since we are 8 hours behind Greece here in Texas, I get to watch the sun set over the island every day. It makes me want to be there. Just follow the links and enjoy. If you find that you cant see anything on the screens, that means it is night. The best viewing time is in between 9am-11am CST. View of the Caldera. View of the Volcano.
Also, you can check out Earl's dog, Diesel not doing a very good job of catching a fly. Live and let live, I guess that is Diesel's philosophy.
I was thinking this morning of wakeboarding. It has been almost 2 weeks because it has been raining non-stop. I am hoping to go either tomorrow or friday before I leave for Denver. Anyway, I was looking for some inspiration and I thought of the movie August Rush. I really like it and the music is fantastic. If you have speakers on your computer, turn them up and play the video below.
Also, Jana posted a new blog and her pics are amazing. Click here.
One more thing, for those of you that receive this as an email, make sure and come to the actual blog website. Celia told me that the videos don't get sent in the emails. If you have missed them all, there are some funny ones so get your hind parts to Wanderings !!
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