This year's hunting trip was another one for the record books both in number of animals harvested and shenanigans shared. This time, however, instead of writing a lengthy recap, I decided to use video to tell the tale. The story starts about 2 hours outside of Dallas as I am getting into to the hills just this side of the west Texas nothingness. Enjoy...
See you boys next year.
Come follow myself and my comrades through daily life in Texas; where the sunsets are grand, the wakes are big, and the shenanigans are plentiful.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
My Sister the Hero

I remember once in 7th grade I was dating, for a short time, a girl named Jami. I was meeting her at the county fair for a date.

It’s always been that way; her worrying about me and me worrying about myself.
She is funny, beautiful, smart and has always been there for me. And these days I find myself worrying about her and looking forward to going antiquing and eating at French restaurants so we can spend time doing what she likes. Honestly, I don’t care what we do as long as we can hang. These days we’re great friends; I guess I am finally becoming as cool as she has been for years.
If this blog entry is too sentimental for you, shoot me an email. We can meet up and I will return the favor she did me when I was in 7th grade…

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Guess who came to the office with me today
Moseley, aka "Moses", aka "The Mose" decided to come to work with me today. I guess the office could use a mascot from time to time and today ours is alternating between laying on the floor next to my desk, running around visiting with everyone else in here, and then coming back to put his head on my leg until I pay attention to him.

I was thinking of having him do some data entry but he has no opposable thumbs. I guess he can just keep hanging out then...
Monday, August 1, 2011
Analisa turns 8!
Can you even believe it? My favorite little girl in the world is not so little anymore. My good friend Analisa turned 8 this past weekend. Celia and I shot down to Mansfield for the celebration at the Gonzalez house where there were good friends, good family and and great times. (There is a belief that the Gonzalez' and Hughes' are related somehow..." I grabbed a couple of party pics and one really poorly shot video of Analisa blowing out the candles. All in all it was fantastic.
Andre enjoying life:
Here is Andre preparing to take yet another pic that he can use later on for one of his 90-minute videos.
Me and my favorite little girl.

Andre enjoying life:
Here is an Iphone video of Analisa blowing out her candles:
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Monday, July 18, 2011
StarWars Exhibit
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Evening Glass
Of course less than a week from now Celia will NOT be hoping for calm conditions as she takes off for Nicaragua. It's the country in yellow sandwiched in between Honduras to the north and Costa Rica on the south. While Nicaragua has both Pacific and Caribbean shores, she will be on the Pacific side with the big surf.
Celia will be attending surf school with Holly Beck - pro surfer. She is super excited and I for her. She has always wanted to surf and now she will be able to in one of the best and most beautiful surf beaches in the world. Of course I will miss her but it is good for her to wander on her own... it's good for the soul to explore by yourself sometimes. If she takes good pics, I will put them on here.

Pete's coming into town for the 4th so that will be cool. With the wife out of the country you know what that means,,,, GUYS WEEKEND!! 

Holly Beck,
Suave Dulce
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Why I wish I was in the funiture business
I was on today and discovered these 2 gems, both furniture ads. It makes me wish that I was in the furniture business because then I could just make the worst commercials in the world and people would think that it is funny. Because it is...
Have a good one, I am going to ride my bike over to Umair's to go swimming because it is another triple digit day here in the Big D.
Have a good one, I am going to ride my bike over to Umair's to go swimming because it is another triple digit day here in the Big D.
Furniture business
Friday, June 10, 2011
Anderson Boomhauer
So I was eating lunch the other day watching TV when I had a revelation: Anderson Cooper looks just like Boomhauer from King of the Hill. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself....

That is my nugget of awesomeness for today. I am grabbing Subway and going wakeboarding now. Have a good weekend, GO MAVS!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday Funday
So I was over at Ferrari's on friday evening just hangin with him and Reid. Celia was off doing something aquatic as usual so she came later. Since we had a couple of beers, I decided to roll with Celia home leaving my truck there. No big deal. Well I didn't need it on Saturday but by mid-day Sunday, it was time to get it back. I decided to ride my bike from my place to Richard's to retrieve the truck because I had never done it and plus Celia would think that I am awesome. So I had to plan my trip to avoid major roads and maximize park routes using Google maps. When all was said and done, the journey was to be just a touch under 14 miles. Pretty much halfway across Dallas. Sweet.
I decided to take my camera and document some of the trip for this blog. One thing is for sure, Dallas drivers do not pay attention to cyclists so within the first 2 miles, an old man in a Range Rover pulled out in front of me and I had to lock my brakes to keep from smashing myself on his passenger door. He was totally freaked out but I just wanted to keep going. So as he sat there with his face in his hands, I pedalled on. I made a map so that you can see where everything went down.
I stopped in the park for a rest on a bench about half way. Dallas has great bike trails. Once I crossed 75 on Royal, it was mostly park trails until the last mile or so.
My trusty backpack. I have had this thing for 10 years now and it has been everywhere with me. Europe, the Caribbean, Central America, and of course all over the states. Love it.
I powered on toward White Rock Lake which was sure to be all abustle on a Sunday with light breezes and temps hanging in the low 80's.
Then there I was, the final couple of miles. They were sweet and I was almost sad that it was over. I arrived at Richards and knocked, no one home. So I took one last pic of my LeMond Reno in his front yard as proof of my 1 hour and 15 minute journey that covered 13.87 miles. As I was about to load up the bike in my truck, he and Sarah rolled up.
Good times and a small wander for me.
I decided to take my camera and document some of the trip for this blog. One thing is for sure, Dallas drivers do not pay attention to cyclists so within the first 2 miles, an old man in a Range Rover pulled out in front of me and I had to lock my brakes to keep from smashing myself on his passenger door. He was totally freaked out but I just wanted to keep going. So as he sat there with his face in his hands, I pedalled on. I made a map so that you can see where everything went down.

The sailors were out if force.
As were the people flying kites. I'll have to do that sometime. I haven't had a kite since I was a kid.
Further down the trail folks were kayaking and paddle surfing. Well maybe not paddle surfing per se, perhaps just paddling.
Sunday Funday
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Culinary Perfection with Opposable Thumbs
So Lorraine came over to make stuffed peppers. It was a blast so I'll give you the play by play:
Lorraine shows up and dons the apron my mom and sister brought me from France. I had to crop the picture for not so obvious reasons on this blog. But if you saw it in real life, you would get it immediately.
And if Lorraine shows up, then you know Diablo's not too far behind.
Chris came in from the back porch to hang and prepare some delicious fruit and put on some music. 
Lorraine started making the stuffing for the peppers which smells really good.
So then Moseley showed up in the kitchen.
It was time to stuff the peppers and throw them in the oven. So this:
Turned into this:
Then this
As Celia strode in, the peppers finished up cooking and everyone had delicious foods for dinner and Chris put on some music for us as the night wound down. 
Cooking is fun for the whole family and also for friends... But not dogs, stuffed peppers will give your dog the trots. And I have never seen a dog cook but I imagine it would be a huge disaster since they don't have opposable thumbs.
Stuffed Peppers
Friday, May 6, 2011
Nate Kills It
Seriously, watch the video. This is my youngest brother in law dominating the world on his guitar. I heard him play over Thanksgiving and was impressed.. but this is pure unadulterated genius.
Nate, when you play the American Airlines Center here in Dallas, I want back stage passes. Keep it up brother.
Nate, when you play the American Airlines Center here in Dallas, I want back stage passes. Keep it up brother.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dr. Hughes is Lost...
So it's been a bit since I last reported anything. Well, not alot has been going on. We had freezing temps, a couple of birthdays, a holiday or two. Winter is my least favorite part of the year. Anyway, where is my dad? Has anyone seen him; I always thought he might be a spy and now the photos that I receive from him via email somewhat confirm my long lived suspicions. Either way, Dr. Hughes is lost!
It's a new 4x4 Nissan Xterra... sweet. So then I imagine one day he was driving between Abu Dhabi and Dubai and saw strange, wonderful animals and miles and miles of desert sand. Maybe something like this: 
So what did he decide to do then? Well he decided to do what any of us in the same situation would do...this:

Some spies never grow up I suppose. Since I am not wandering, it's good to see someone is. Have fun dad, see you soon.
No not really, he is working with Dolphin Energy in Abu Dhabi. Of course when he got there, he had to buy a car, this is what he came up with.

Abu Dhabi,
Dune Bashing,
Nissan Xterra
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