Well, that's an odd title. Don't worry little birdies, I will feed you...
Let's start with the 2 thumbs part of the title. Monday was my fair sister's thirty... er... 24th birthday. She was out partying in Houston with her crew and I get the following text message: "Who has two thumbs and is celebrating her birthday??? THIS GIRL!" The picture was attached to the text and while it is hard to see because it is dark, it is obvious that my Samantha has 2 thumbs and effectively wields them in jest.
Moving on to 5 Fingers: I am not sure you are familiar with the expression, "5 Finger Discount" when referring to petty larceny. I you haven't, it means to steal. And steal someone did this past week. About $3000 worth of stereo equipment and wakeboarding stuff out of the Killer Bee. I went out with Dr. Sweet Air and "Walks on Water" Wendy (that's her Cherokee name) on Friday afternoon to do some riding and as we were walking up to the boat, I noticed that the cover was half off and the ski locker was open. That's a strange feeling. I pretty much knew what the deal was before I got to the boat. A quick inspection confirmed suspicions. After reporting to the Marina and reporting to the Dallas Police, It was back to the house to try and start sorting out what to do.
Aside: I must say that the ineptness of Bay View Marina was paramount. But more importantly,
my interaction with the DPD was really impressive. After I called them, they promptly sent an officer out to meet me, inspect the boat and make a report in the 100+ degree heat. He was friendly, professional and understanding. Great job DPD.

Anyway, the rest of the weekend passed without incident and now after speaking with State Farm and making a claim with them, Ferrari and I are going to pick the boat up after work and deliver it into the capable hands of Clint and Texas Vessel Repair http://www.texasvessel.com/. Hopefully the KB will be back to proper fierceness soon. We will miss you buddy, get well soon...
I'm pretty sure I specifically told you that you were "NOT ALLOWED TO USE THIS PICTURE ON YOUR BLOG". It's OK though... karma and all