Child of mortality, whence comest thou? Why is thy countenance sad, and why are thine eyes red with weeping? - Mrs. Anna Letitia Barbauld
For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been. - John Greenleaf Whittier
Ok so what's with all the sadness and sorrow? Well I'll tell you, the great Killer Bee is still out of comission and we miss him greatly. No failed tricks, no getting outside the wake and feeling like you are floating on a cushio
n of undisturbed air, no gliding across liquid glass, stereo pumping, with family and friends. I know I said it the other day but it really feels like an imbalance. I get so used to looking forward to being out there that when it suddenly goes away, my life isn't as fun. I am sure I sound like a drama queen but it is the truth. I think we all miss him. Hopefully it won't be long. Clint has the money from the insurance company and hopefully has started is surgery on our injured friend.

So, what to do then? Well I say we focus on what is in front of us. And what do we have in front of us, one might ask? Plenty: The Garage sale of the century is tomorrow, Richard is cleaning and moving, and Max's mohawk party is saturday night. Busy weekend. And most of the crew is going to be involved in atleast 2 of the 3 above mentioned activities.

The Garage sale: Celia has amassed items on a CostCo-esque level. It is going to be quite the deal. That of course means labelling everything and getting up super early or the garage sale crazies will be breaking down the door at around 6:30 am.
Cleaning and moving Ferrari: It starts tonight; most of the work that was being done inside the "Anchorman Hideaway" is completed but from what I understand, there is cleaning to be done on a massive scale. I guess thats why he is offering free drinks for whoever joins in the campaign. People will do almost anything for free beer: well done Richard. BTW - I cancelled my 3pm massage to help you move....YOU'RE WELCOME!!! Nah just kidding, I just rescheduled it for next week.
And finally, the mohawk party: What can I say,,, Max is an animal. I think he is turing 6 but there will be adult beverages there. It shall be a textbook example of summertime Bacchanalia. We are all excited.
On another note: I found an awesome recipe for Carne Asada on the internet and grilled it right up. Of course we used ours for fajitas. It was awesome!! Here's the recipe: http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/carne_asada/

Farewell friends, talk to you later/ jth
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