It went down like this: we met up to ride and the water was flawless. Barely a breath of air on the water. We didn't even have to stick close to the bridge like we normally do. Literally, we could pull eachother across the middle of the lake. Plus there were only 1-2 other boats out there. Andre was brave, Tom almost landed a backflip, Wavewalker Wendy: Texas Teacher rode like a woman posessed, Richard caught big air and I did alright too. The sun left us but we didnt leave t
he lake staying long enough so that we could slide across black water chasing a boat that was lit up like the 4th of July. As a matter of fact the couple of pics where Richard and I are standing on the back of the boat about to drop in and ride, the light that is allowing the pic to be taken is from the boat lights, not the sun as it is already down. Good times. Tom got some great pics from the day and I will put them on here. We wanted to stay longer but we were ushered off the like around 9
by lightning in the distance.


incredible photos, too bad we werent able to catch my 360!