For the Rumble he produces shakes the wakeboards racked on bars.
And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit water extended,
And at night the wonderous glory of the everlasting stars.
And at night the wonderous glory of the everlasting stars.
Ah yes, the ballad of the Killer Bee (some of which was borrowed from Clancy). Either way, it is fitting for the kind of riding we have been doing these last several weeks. Mostly evening sessions which offer great water and epic sunsets. Yester
day was no different. The water was so calm, that we were riding all over the lake instead of pressed up against some shoreline hiding from the gusts. It was pretty sweet. Richard got his new board in,,, it looks like a snowboard but he did well. Tom had me get on the wakeskate which is sort of like trying to rope a steer while wearing iceskates. But it is great for popping off the wake and doing a cannon ball. Tom was great as usual, making the rest of us look like a bunch of amateurs. Thanks alot jerk. Oh oh, look at me, not only am I a doctor, but I can wakeboard better than you! Yeah Tom, that's what you sound like. Nah just kidding, you're a good dude.

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