Ok, it's wednesday and man is this week dragging on like, like... well like I can't even think of a decent simile. NOW THAT'S A LONG WEEK!
Tonight we have volleyball but only 4 of us can make it creating a 4 on 6 situation. I still think we will win though. Actually, it doesnt matter because we are already a lock for the playoffs, now its all about seeding. I have only ridden once this week. Celia and I went out by

ourselves on monday afternoon. The wind was out of the NE making it difficult to find a long run but we made do. My new board arrived; I was super excited to get on it and try it out, but I was also quite judicious as it is a pro model and the board I had before was a beginner/intermediate. It is a Ronix One Pro. Man I couldn't have been more wrong about this thing. It is so easy to ride; it is light, responsive, the kicker off the lip is much stronger as I believe the board has a much faster rocker. The thing that I noticed the most was how stable it was not only as I hit the wake, but through the air and on the landing. I was tired when we went out on monday afternoon and still I jumped higher and better than I have this whole season. I am in love.. of course my crazy bindings don't m

atch the board but I will take the ride over fashion.
I leave friday for the annual Vilfordi Dove Hunting Trip. Off to Stamford to kill many birds for a couple of days and then come back to feast on them. Man, it is hard to beat dove breast stuffed with cream cheese, jalopeno, and then wrapped in bacon. Good eatin. It will be good to see everyone again, the Vilfordi brothers and Grego from NYC.
I will try to get some pics from the hunt so I can put them on here. Travel safely this weekend and I'll catch up with you on tuesday,, unless I decide to put something on here tomorrow which is doubtful.
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