You know, there is something about early September that just gets a guy going. About mid august, I start looking to the sky much more often than normal to see that outline; dove shadow against blue Texas sky. The trigger finger starts getting itchy and I feel the need to start packing my truck up weeks in advance. And what’s the cause for all this angst? Simple: the Annual Vilfordi Dove Hunting Trip to Haskell, TX. It is a fine tradition in which I have had the honor of partaking these past 4 years, and this year was no different. Of course it begins with a drive out to Haskell in NW Texas.

Northwest Texas is hauntingly beautiful; It can be hilly, covered in mesas, or so flat that it hurts your eyes to try to make out the landscape just below the horizon. It gives you the sense of great adventure as you can easily picture cowboys riding through the country or Indians hunting buffalo, but it is easy to look around and feel very lonely as well.
In between the abandoned farm houses and small towns, is an open wilderness dotted only with cattle and oil wells. The roads are long and straigh

t with traffic being almost non-existant. I took my time driving up on Friday and avoided interstates or any other major roads. I wanted a chance to see the land and get some pictures taken. Aaron and I had taken this route 4-5years ago but it was mostly dark and I couldn’t tell what was beyond the reach of the headlights. I made my way out of Ft. Worth heading west and instead of following I-20, I exited off and followed the blue highways up through Weatherford, Mineral Wells, Graham and Throckmorton. The trip took longer but was well worth it. I saw all the above mentioned features and even ran into a lake; of course it was run down.

After arriving in Haskell , I met up with the guys and the fun began. Of course the firs

t night there was grilled steaks, baked potatoes and plenty of yellow bellies. Banter was solid as we caught up from the past years trip. One of the things I love about this particular group of guys is the fact that we don’t see each other often and when we do get together, usually in west texas, we don’t miss a beat. There is no small talk or uncomfortable social pleasantries, we just roll in to wher
e we had left off. It’s good. Predictability seems to be at an all time premium these days and the Haskell
crew is definitely a dependable supply. Of course we stayed up way too late (some of us later than others Aaron) but the hunting the next morning was fair. After the birds were cleaned

and bagged, we headed to the red Rooster for some pancakes and biscuits/gravy. Nap time was followed by the afternoon hunt that was a little warm but the most successful afternoon hunt I have ever been on. Saturday night’s dinner was masterfully grilled up by Adam “the sports encyclopedia” Vilfordi.

Pork, beef and chicken grilled to perfection along with veggies and served fajita style hit the spot as we settled into our circle of folding chairs once again for telling lies and reliving our college days. That lasted once again til about 2 am when we turned in. That was pretty much the end of the trip as the next morning we woke up, packed and left. Another memorable year that will be remembered as a great one… not because the hunting was phenomenal, although it was pretty good. Just to go spend another weekend with the guys telling tales about tails centers me enough to last another 11 months. But there is no doubt that I will still violently look skyward as birds dart over my head for the next several weeks; it’s hard to get the dove fever out once it has taken hold.
Gentlemen, til next year,

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